Laravel ecommerce project build from scratch | learn laravel 9
Laravel ecommerce project build from scratch | learn laravel 9
In this course we gonna learn how to make a full dynamic ecommerce website from scratch by laravel ajax jquery.
I hope this course are really help you to stablish your knowledge about laravel framework. In this course we gonna make a single vendor ecommerce with various payment gateway like stripe,2checkout,paypal and most important ssl commerze for Bangladeshi payment gateway. So guy’s i hope you love this course and rating this.
What Will I Learn?
- What you will learn from this course:
- Category ,Subcategory , Childcategory
- brand
- products
- Wishlist
- cart
- coupon
- discount
- Product Stock
- Mailing System
- Buyone getone offer
- campaign
- Payment Gateway
- Bkash Rocket Nagad ,bd payment gateway
- User Role Management
- Bulk Image Upload
- Yajradatatable // 1million data
- Image intervention package
- Return Product
- Database Backup
- Product Review System
- Product Sharing System
- Full API development for mobile apps with passport and sanctum
- and many more
- socialite // login with facebook & login with google
Topics for this course
Learn Laravel Latest Version
01 What is framework00:00:00
02 Inheritance in oop (php)00:00:00
03 Namespace in php oop00:00:00
04 Trait In PHP00:00:00
05 Indepth of Composer00:00:00
06 Create a laravel project00:00:00
07 Configuration in laravel project00:00:00
08 Directory Structure00:00:00
09 Starter kits00:00:00
10 Deployment00:00:00
11 MVC Pattern00:00:00
12 Request Lifecycle Part One00:00:00
13 Request LifeCycle Part Two00:00:00
14 Service Container00:00:00
15 Service Provider00:00:00
16 Facades in laravel00:00:00
17 Start with Routing00:00:00
18 Parameter & name route00:00:00
19 All you need to know about Middleware00:00:00
20 CSRF Protection in laravel00:00:00
21 What is controller in laravel00:00:00
22 Invoke method in controller00:00:00
23 Indetails about @csrf token00:00:00
24 Dependency Injection (Request $request)00:00:00
25 Response in laravel00:00:00
26 view in laravel00:00:00
27 Blade template00:00:00
28 URL Generation00:00:00
29 Session in laravel00:00:00
30 Form Validation00:00:00
31 Error handling00:00:00
32 logging and custom logging record00:00:00
33 laravel Authentication with Breeze00:00:00
34 laravel fortify custome authentication part one00:00:00
35 laravel fortify custome authentication part two00:00:00
36 laravel authentication ui package00:00:00
37 Email verification in laravel00:00:00
38 Encryption & Decryption in laravel00:00:00
39 Hashing in laravel security00:00:00
40 Password reset in laravel00:00:00
41 Password Change system laravel00:00:00
42 Database Getting started00:00:00
43 what is migration in laravel?00:00:00
44 Query Builder Data read from database00:00:00
45 yield method in laravel00:00:00
46 Create and store data00:00:00
47 Delete data00:00:00
48 data edit update00:00:00
49 resource controller read data00:00:00
50 resource controller create and store data00:00:00
51 resource controller delete data00:00:00
52 resource controller edit update show00:00:00
53 Public directory path change00:00:00
54 Query builder more important function00:00:00
55 query builder joining, leftjoin,rightjoin,crossjoin,union00:00:00
56 pagination in laravel00:00:00
57 Seeder In Laravel00:00:00
58 Factory and faker in laravel00:00:00
59 Redis in Laravel00:00:00
60 Learn about Model00:00:00
61 Eloquent ORM data read00:00:00
62 ORM data store by save mthod00:00:00
63 ORM data insert by insert method00:00:00
64 ORM data edit00:00:00
65 ORM data update00:00:00
66 ORM data delete00:00:00
67 Template Mastering Asset file00:00:00
68 Auth Customization00:00:00
69 login page customization with custom theme template00:00:00
70 registration page customization00:00:00
71 forget password template customization00:00:00
72 Category list convert on admin template00:00:00
73 Data Insert | for notification00:00:00
74 notification alert show after data insert00:00:00
75 push stack in laravel00:00:00
76 Data edit & update and message00:00:00
77 unsigned key , foreign key with new schema00:00:00
78 Eloquent ORM One To One joining00:00:00
79 subcategory crud done with all eloquent relationship00:00:00
80 collections of laravel00:00:00
81 Accessors & Mutators – cast00:00:00
82 laravel Tinker – how why and when00:00:00
83 Command – Create custome command00:00:00
84 Post table create join 3 tables in model00:00:00
85 Laravel Debugbar Package00:00:00
86 Image Intervention Package00:00:00
87 Post Create Page Category with subcategory |00:00:00
88 Image Intervention Post Insert with category dropdown00:00:00
89 Manage Post Join 3 tables00:00:00
90 New column add on existing table by migration laravel00:00:00
91 Post delete with storage image00:00:00
92 post edit and update with delete previous image00:00:00
Making Course From Scratch (Backend)
Basic understanding of API development
About the instructor
Sohidul Islam
Sr Software Engineer
4 Courses
308 students
This is really amazing courser ever i have. Vaiya ta onk helpful. Support ta just onk valo chilo. thank you vaiya .
nice course
Its a great course .who want to make a advanced and real life laravel project.
Really thank you so much learnhunter for giving us a valuable course.
সত্যি কথা বলতে গেলে খুবই ভালো ১টি কোর্স। আমি অন্য জায়গায় ও কোর্স করেছিলাম তারা শুধু বেসিক একমার্স সাইট বানিয়ে দেখিয়েছিলো। এই কোর্স টি শেষ করে এখন বুঝতে পারলাম কিভাবে রিয়েল লাইফ প্রজেক্ট এ রিপোর্ট নিয়ে কাজ করতে হয় কিভাবে রেলটিমে ফিল্টারিং করতে হয় আরো অনেক কিছু।
সত্যি প্রশংসনীয়
course ta kre ami onk kichu shikte parteci alhamdulilallah