
Passive Income From Marketplace By Laravel Script

  • Categories Laravel
  • Duration 120h
  • Total Enrolled 15
  • Last Update August 3, 2021


In this course we gonna learn how to make a php laravel script for script selling marketplace from scratch. I hope you got a better knowledge about this course cause. We all are know that codecanyon is one of the best marketplace for selling your script. In this course we are try to upload our developing script on codecanyon or other marketplace. I teach you how to write standard code, how to design your preview image and thumbnail. How to write a well documentation for your script and many more. so i hope you enjoyed this course very well.

What Will I Learn?

  • 1. How to develop a full project from scratch.
  • 2. Standard laravel coding.
  • 3. Which types of script are accept on marketplace.
  • 4. How to write a proper documentation for any script.

Topics for this course

46 Lessons120h

Graphics Materials

02 Thumbnail making and start project building00:00:00

Backend Development

About the instructor

Sohidul Islam

Sr Software Engineer

Hi! I'm Sohidul Islam. I'm a developer with a serious love for teaching. I've spent the last few years teaching people to program at 2 different immersive boot camps where I've helped many people become web developers and change their lives.
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Courser er video golo joldi dele onek onek valo hoto . onek din hoia gese video upload hoyna

অসাধারন একটা কোর্স।
আশা করছি এটিই বাংলাদেশের মধ্যে Laravel প্যাসিভ ইনকামের কোর্স এর মধ্যে সবচে বড়, সবচে বেশি রিসোর্সফুল, এবং একটা কমপ্লিট প্র্যাক্টিক্যাল সাজেশনমুলক কোর্স হতে যাচ্ছে ইনশা-আল্লাহ।
শহিদুল ইসলাম ভাইয়ের জন্য অসংখ্য দোয়া এবং ভালবাসা রইল এইরকম ভাল কিছু আমাদের উপহার দেওয়ার জন্য।

৳ 10,000.00

Material Includes

  • We will provided all of materials like, logo, preview image, documentation template html template and source code.


  • 1. Previous laravel knowledge must.
  • 2. Basic Web designing knowledge.

Target Audience

  • This course actually made for web developer, who want passive income for lifetime. It's a permanent way for bright your future.